BrandAction Agency 1 E Erie St Suite 525-2297 Chicago, IL 60611
Taking the Long View with a BrandDemand Approach

Taking the Long View with a BrandDemand Approach

Taking the long view with a BrandDemand approach Imagine this: Only 5% of potential buyers are actively looking to make a purchase at any given moment. That leaves a whopping…

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Mapping content to the new buyer journey

The ability of consumers to research solutions online has created a buyer journey that’s increasingly self-led, and where interactions with sales representatives are fleeting if not avoided altogether.

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How branding and demand generation marketing drive the considered purchase journey

While branding and demand generation may seem like separate marketing activities, they work together to support the customer purchase journey in powerful ways.

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Accelerating branddemand: BrandAction Agency’s 2023 buyer journey infographic

Gone are the days of quick sales, impulse buys and split-second decision-making. The considered purchase has become, well, more considered. The last 10 years have seen a steady growth in the…

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Accelerating branddemand: Finding the balance between trust and action.

I have a lousy neighbor. There, I said it. I live in the suburbs of Chicago and one of my neighbors, let’s call him Jim, is a lousy neighbor. Why,…

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Reaching your B2B KPIs without getting lost

Reaching your B2B KPIs without getting lost With many of us hitting the road for holiday road trips, we’re reminded of those eternal truths passed down by word and deed…

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Understanding your brand from the inside out

With consumers now expecting more from brands in everything from stances on social justice initiatives to customer service, data privacy and more, it’s no wonder that 85% of business buyers…

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How holistic campaigns steer the new buyer journey

Much has changed about the B2B process in recent years as consumer attitudes, new technologies and global events consistently keep marketers guessing.

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